60min $120
This is an eastern healing practice that has been around for thousands of years working with energy flow of the body accessing it through particular points in the body. Single use thin acupuncture needles are used to stimulate and access these points along meridians in the body. It works effectively in harmonising our subtle energy bodies also working with sacred geometry and the chakra systems. Our physical body is a manifestation of energy to denser material and therefore is a safe and effective treatment for a range of physical disorders as well. These sessions are often combined and customised to your needs with cupping, gua sha, moxibustion, Chinese herbal medicine and lifestyle advice.
Some seek acupuncture for:
- general tune ups
- stress and anxiety
- sinus conditions, cold and flu
- digestive concerns
- facial rejuvination
- musculoskeletal pain
... and more
Acupuncture & Massage
90min $160
For those looking to receive the benefits of both acupuncture and massage in one session
Remedial Massage
60min $120
90min $160
A remedial massage can be gentle or strong, deep or shallow, and holistically treats the whole body. It involves a range of techniques and styles such as deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy and sports massage. It is a systematic assessment and treatment of muscles, tendons, ligaments and connective tissue of the body to assist in rehabilitation, pain and injury management. Remedial massage is designed to balance muscle/soft tissue and align your body.
- remedial
- deep tissue/ sports
- pregnancy
Lymphatic Drainage
60min $120
This is a gentle, rhythmic massage that manually stimulates the flow of lymphatic fluids. This helps to rapidly speed up the removal of wastes and toxins from a sluggish lymphatic system. The technique itself is very light and very relaxing, comprising of gentle strokes and pumps on the skin with some deeper work over the lymph nodes, especially in the abdomen. Lymphatic massage can also aid in the reduction of swelling after injury or surgery. It is also thought to provide a major boost to your immune system.
Gua Sha Facial
30min $90
60min $120
All natural products from Perfect Potion used to cleanse, tone and moisturise the face alongside gua sha and facial massage to help soften wrinkles, sculpt the face, reduce puffiness and improve overall complexion.